Tuesday 29 January 2013

St David's Day Concert - Friday 1st March 2013

Photograph of a daffodil
Age Concern Morgannwg is proud to present a special St David's Day Concert with Maesteg Gleemen Male Voice Choir on Friday 1st March 2013. 

Due to last year's success, the Maesteg Gleemen Male Voice Choir have kindly agreed to join us again to help us celebrate our national day in traditional Welsh style by performing a variety of much loved songs and hymns.

The event is being organised by Age Concern Morgannwg and all proceeds will be used to support the charity's work with older people.

Why not come along and join us for a fun packed evening of entertainment.

Tickets cost £5 each and include a plated buffet. 
For more details click here to visit our events page or contact Age Concern Morgannwg on 01443 490650.