Monday, 25 March 2013


To be held on the first Friday of every
month from Friday 5th April 2013
11am until 2pm
Evanstown Community Centre
Abercerdin Road Evanstown Gilfach Goch

Age Concern Morgannwg is launching an exciting new project in partnership with Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations (BAVO) and funded by the Big Lottery Fund to provide a meeting place for social networking, befriending, support and light refreshments.

The project will also provide information and advice for over 50’s along with a variety of information sessions, demonstrations and activities, which include:

·        Volunteering opportunities
·        Nail manicures
·        Arts & crafts
·        Nail Cutting
·        Age Concern Morgannwg products & services
·        Quiz

For more information please contact: 01656 669288

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Disappointing news out this week; basic care for the elderly in hospitals and care homes in England is still not good enough, the regulator says.

The Care Quality Commission report, based on a snapshot of services, found about a third failed to meet all the standards for nutrition and dignity.

It cited examples of call-bells being left unanswered, bad manners and a lack support at meal times. It comes after the NHS was criticised by the Stafford Hospital scandal public inquiry for not putting patients first. The Stafford report, published last month, said the NHS system was more focused on corporate self-interest than getting services right. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections were carried out before those findings were released.

In total, 50 hospitals were inspected by the CQC, with only 33 meeting all of the five relevant standards. It is the second time the CQC has focused on dignity and nutrition in the NHS.
 In terms of nutrition, standards seemed to have improved slightly, whereas for privacy and dignity the situation had worsened since 2011, the latest report said.

From the care sector, 316 of the 500 homes met all the standards. Other problems highlighted included a lack of help in going to the toilet and lack of privacy when getting washed or dressed.
CQC chief executive David Behan said the findings were "disappointing". "Safe, good quality care is not complex or time-consuming," he added.

Dot Gibson, of the National Pensioners Convention, said: "One report after another shows that we still cannot guarantee that when an older person goes into hospital or a care home that they will have their dignity respected.

Here at Age Concern Morgannwg, we continue to work hard to achieve our vision and our mission:

Our Vision: To live in a society where older people are respected and enabled to meet their aspirations.
Our Mission: To make a difference to the quality of life of older people and promote a positive view of ageing.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

man with carer

So, today 13th March 2013 is National No Smoking Day. Starts to make you think about health issues doesn’t it?

Whilst ageing isn’t an illness or even a “health issue” as such, there is no doubt that for many people, and their carers, growing old creates some pretty major challenges. Well, at Age Concern Morgannwg we are here to try and help people address some of those issues.

So what makes us different from other age related groups or charities. Our strap line is Independent Local Listening. Let’s pick up on the Local element. Many of our customers come to us because we ARE local. They can pop in and meet face to face with someone to give them advice. So many older people tell us they feel excluded because everything these days seems to be “on the net”. Being able to call to our offices or have someone call them at home is a highly valued service and we are proud of this.

Watch this space over the coming weeks for more details of what we’ll be doing in 2013 to reinforce the Give Local Help Local Message!